Point Control

To control points on the layout I use a Capacitive Discharge Unit (CDU) to send pulses to PECO brand solenoid motors to throw the points to the desired direction of travel.

Wiring Diagram

The CDU outputs are marked as V1 and Earth in the wiring diagram.

The CDU pulse is directed via S2 to the desired solenoid which activates the points.

The circuit is closed when S1, a momentary  push button switch, is activated.

S1 prevents the output of the CDU being connected to the chosen solenoid permanently, this prevents damage to the solenoid.

There are other methods of activating solenoids for example having only one switch which is a momentary ON centre OFF Double pole switch.

I prefer this method as I can see at a glance which way the point was last set eg S2 set to UP then point is set to straight through, If  S2 is set to DOWN then the point is set to the curve.

The CDU was "home made from a circuit Diagram that can be found on the internet.

This is the Veroboard wiring layout I used to make the board.

The CDU Assembly
PECO brand Point Motor

Point Motor fitted to point

Point Motor fitted to point from side

Point Motor Control Wiring Example

Activation Switch

Direction Switch

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